Strategic Objectives
- The Capital of Drakkas is an ancient one. A relic of humanities first steps out into the cosmos during the Dark age of technology. While a golden age for many, Drakkas did not see many of the great advances humanity made. This was to be a blessing as they were spared from the uprisings of the Men of Iron which wracked much of the early imperium driving it to near extinction. While humanity burned, Drakkas slept, unaware of the great secret it held . To all outsiders Drakkas appears primitive, its structures small and unimpressive, especially compared to other worlds such as Prospero and Khur which were once shining examples of mankind’s might and majesty. However, deep within a Dark age spaceport buried miles underground in the mountains to the south of Drakkas lies a relic. One so deeply valued that a single rumour of its existence heard by a Hidden One of the XVth legion caught the full attention of the traitor forces. For what lies in the mountains, deep within a long buried and forgotten explorator vessel is an intact STC. The ultimate prize. A single remaining artefact from when humanity ruled unchallenged. Such a device would surely tip the balance of power to whichever side captured it. And could prove the decisive turning point in Horus’ campaign towards Terra. For the Traitor forces to gain control of the artefact they must first rid the planet of any loyalist forces. A small loyalist contingent of the imperial army allowed the Astartes loyal to the emperor to land and gain a valuable foothold in the capital, the city becoming the base of operations for the loyalist forces.
- The Palo Flatlands. The site chosen for the landing site for the traitor forces is around 300km from the capital of Drak-kas. Located near the coast , the Palo Flatlands were the ideal drop zone, rolling plains of grassland devoid of any for-ests, shrubs or hazards that may damage landing vessels. These allowed large numbers of troops and material to be brought planetside. However, due to the error of a loading servitor carrying a crate of munitions, the relic grav-wave generator that held back the seas was destroyed. Torrents of sea water surged forth, unrestrained for the first time in millennia, reducing the once grassy flatlands into a salty quagmire. The now unstable nature of the marsh means any significant reinforcements cannot be landed there leaving whatever forces loyal to the Warmaster almost totally cut off from the rest of their forces in orbit.
- The Drada Outpost. Once the site of a bustling naval base and trading port before the arrival of Humanity, it was swiftly taken over and converted by the first colonists rather than being destroyed due to its prime location at the entrance to Sralo Bay and its proximity to the capital. The site was quickly adapted into Imperial pattern Armoury vaults, huge sub-terranean caverns within vast underground bunker complexes. A cornucopia of death dealing instruments far beneath the innocuous plains that lie above it. It was in these vaults the population stored the majority of their arms and ar-mour. Both sides understand the importance of capturing the planet’s armoury and will be a vital target for loyalist and traitor forces alike. It may also hold clues to the location of the fabled STC within its data banks.
- The Vosch Manufactorum. Located in the rolling hills above the coast, the Vosch Manufactorum is located in one of the many gaping valleys carved out by long mega-glaciers that once covered the continent. This Manufactorum is much like the Drada Outpost, with the majority of the complex located underground, built into the side of the valley. It’s labyrinth of forges, factories and assembly lines were unusual in the Imperium in that they were utterly automated, a key piece of evidence suggesting the presence of an STC. Only Dark Age tech could completely remove the need for human workers. Orbital scans of the area revealed large spikes of thermal energy and radiation leaks within the forges. Clearly whatever was down there was is not lying dormant and is of great interest to both sides.
- The Cotann Spaceport is the major hub of movement to and from orbit on the world. It is perched upon a high mountain, terraformed by early explorators to be utterly flat at its peak. It boasts a number of pads for vessels up to a Frigatein size as well as the only elevator to the world’s orbital drydock. While this is a small and relatively primitive world, the vast deposits of ceramite and promethium buried within its mountains make it an ideal world for repair and replenish-ment of space fleets. It is a vital control point for the planet, ownership would allow their supporting fleet access to the shipyards miles above the surface as well as allowing reinforcements to be landed in far greater numbers than is possi-ble at either drop zone due to the huge landing pads, teleport homers and infrastructure there.
Strategic Objective Special Rules
To give character to the battlefields and to help tell a story, each of the strategic objec-tives have been assigned special rules. This is to try and represent the planet this cam-paign is taking place on. The environment is often one of the biggest threats a soldier will face on the battlefield.
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